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Alexa Across the Pond (Europe) / Re: Playing music
« Last post by redrose54 on January 07, 2024, 04:57:11 am »
what is the command you have been using?   Usually all you have to do is to tell alexa to play (music) on (name of dot)
Basically anything I can think of from “Alexa play [stream name] on Echo Pop” to “Alexa play [stream name] in main bedroom” and numerous combinations of those.
Alexa Across the Pond (Europe) / Re: Playing music
« Last post by renegade600 on January 07, 2024, 02:54:14 am »
what is the command you have been using?   Usually all you have to do is to tell alexa to play (music) on (name of dot)
Alexa Across the Pond (Europe) / Playing music
« Last post by redrose54 on January 06, 2024, 07:33:01 pm »
Please forgive me if this is a glaringly stupid question but I’m a possibly the least technically knowledgeable person on the internet!

First a quick bit of background, I live with my elderly mother, physical disability has left me bedbound since 1996, and since October my mum is becoming increasingly so. We are in adjoining rooms. I have an Alexa Dot and I’ve bought mum an Alexa Pop (unfortunately a combination of her age and health means I’ve been unable to train it to recognise her voice).

I can do 99% of what I want to do but I am unable to instruct her Pop to play music, every conceivable instruction I can think of still ends up playing the music on my Dot; any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
That's the nature of apps on any smartphone, Android or IOS. When an app is in the background, it goes to sleep mode to save power. When an app is in sleep mode, it does not activate right away when something demands its attention. Nothing you can do about it because it's controlled by the operating system.
what kind of delay would you say I should expect?
Really depends on what the routine is for.   I think you will have a delay no matter what you do,

I've set up a few routines that mainly work well but I've noticed a delay (sometimes quite long) and I'm wondering if they might be solved by using a "proper Alexa" rather than just the app?

I am using NFC stickers, Macrodroid and Voicemonkey to trigger a routine to adjust the dim level of some lights.

When I use my phone and NFC to trigger the routine, if the App is on the screen at the time (or whenever I change so the app is on the screen) then the routine triggers immediately.

If the app is not on the screen (open but in the background) then it may take much longer to trigger, sometimes almost immediately and often to the point where I can believe it hasn't worked/will never work.

If I then look at the Alexa app, the routine runs straight away.

I thought perhaps buying a physical Alexa device might fix this or perhaps some tweak of the Android settings to make the app not "sleep"? Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this? I don't really want an Alexa but will happily do so if it makes the whole experience robust.

Thanks so much for reading!
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: alexa app missing items
« Last post by jvk of md on December 26, 2023, 07:47:26 am »
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: alexa app missing items
« Last post by KyleMW on December 23, 2023, 09:36:52 am »
For Groups you need to go to the the new "Devices" page and up in the top right corner is "See More".  That will take you to the old-style "Groups" page where you can add groups etc.

"Scenes" on the other hand have gone missing.  I'm finding that if I add scenes to a room or zone in the Philips Hue App, they will eventually show up in Alexa.  I have not tried removing a scene.  The only way you can get at Scenes in Alexa, at the moment, is to add one as a line item in a routine.

To get them to bring back the "Scenes" page everyone needs to go to the "Help & Feedback" page in the Alexa App and use the "email" option, as they don't pay any attention to these or other forums.

Amazon Echo Discussion / alexa app missing items
« Last post by jvk of md on December 23, 2023, 08:36:15 am »
Since they changed the app on ios I can no longer find my Groups or my Scenes.  If I go to try to add a group they sort of show up but I can't just find them neither in devices or settings.  I thought about deleting the app and reinstalling but is all my settings backed up in the cloud or do I have to redo everything?
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