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Pebble Core

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Pebble Core
« on: June 10, 2016, 06:46:19 pm »


Re: Pebble Core
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2016, 04:10:05 pm »
I backed this Core along with the metal Time 2 watch with a 10 day battery.  I have a Pebble Steel and get around a week on black and white.  It works fine and I love it but the Time 2 is color with a better battery.  I'm not sure how Pebble makes the best wearables around!!

This Core clips on your shirt and u talk into it to Alexa...kinda like Star Trek  8)

Oh, and there's wireless charging on it too.  Put $20 more into your pledge for the wireless charger and plate.
