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Setting up Alexa/Echo for elderly parent

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Setting up Alexa/Echo for elderly parent
« on: February 05, 2020, 05:59:20 pm »
My mum (98) lives on her own. She is getting very forgetful but is fiercely independent. Her nearest semi-able-bodied relative (76) is 40 minutes drive away. We try to keep her on track with a paper diary and a telephone, but it's a very hard job. She mis-enters and misreads and so often misses appointments with friends, the doctor, etc. I think an Echo in her sitting room could be a huge help, linked to a Google Calendar that we can remotely control. But she has no internet in her house, so (1) we have to get the internet set up and a router installed, (2) we have to install an Echo. I'm no Alexa expert, but I do have it in my own house and so I have an Alexa account and app. How could I set up an Alexa account for her? She has no smartphone. If I show up with my phone or laptop it will have my Alexa account on it. Can I have TWO Alexa accounts on the same device/laptop? I need to be clear how/whether this is going to work before I embark on this project. Has anyone done anything similar? Any help appreciated.


Re: Setting up Alexa/Echo for elderly parent
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2020, 10:15:06 pm »
If you do a search on this group for setting up alexa for elderly, you will find all the information you need. Good luck.


Re: Setting up Alexa/Echo for elderly parent
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 06:09:47 am »
Thanks, Laurel. I should have tried that first. I still need more info, but that tip has let me make some progress and get me started. Thanks again.


Re: Setting up Alexa/Echo for elderly parent
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2020, 12:37:25 pm »
You are welcome. Maybe if you have some specifics some of us can help.