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Echo & Alexa Forums

Echo Saying Reminders 4 Times Instead of 2.

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Echo Saying Reminders 4 Times Instead of 2.
« on: April 17, 2018, 06:30:43 am »
All of a sudden, Alexa will say my reminders 4 times instead of 2 times. I looked in the Alexa App and checked every possible setting and made sure my reminders were not showing up duplicated in the app.

Re: Echo Saying Reminders 4 Times Instead of 2.
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2018, 09:04:13 am »
Lately my dot has been saying reminders 3 times instead of two.
This hasn't bothered me as yet but I see others reporting more repeats so it may just be the start of things.
Have you tried unplugging your Alexa device for a bit then plug it back in?