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Passive Aggressive?

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Passive Aggressive?
« on: January 24, 2024, 09:19:02 pm »
Hi all,

I have a question for you.  I recently installed a smart thermostat and I love it.  However, it seems to have created an argument between Ziggy (Alexa) and I.

If I ask "Ziggy what is the thermostat set to?" He will reply "the heat is set to X".

But, if I ask "Ziggy what is the heat set to?" He will reply "the thermostat is set to X".

Literally every time I say "thermostat" he replies with "heat" and every time I say "heat" he replies with "thermostat".

Have I pissed him off and he's being passive aggressive? 

It seems like a stupid thing, but it is starting to really annoy me.  I want him to reply in kind and stop playing word games with me.

I asked him why he does it - he gave me the silent treatment in response.

Offline jwlv

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Re: Passive Aggressive?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2024, 02:15:03 am »
I think it's the skill that goes along with your smart thermostat is the one that's giving you the answer. It's up the the people that made the skill to use the wording that you prefer.

In a way, it kind of makes sense. If you ask what the thermostat is set to, you may want to know if it's in heat mode or AC mode. So it'll respond, the heat is set to X.  But if you already know that your thermostat is set to heat mode and you ask what is heat set to, it'll just tell you the thermostat is set to X.

Re: Passive Aggressive?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2024, 10:55:10 pm »
Hmmm.  I don't have AC, so I can't test that theory.  But I did turn it off and then asked what the thermostat is set to and then what the heat is set to.  In both cases, Ziggy said "IT is turned off".

I guess I'm gonna have to let him win this argument...