Echo & Alexa Forums

General Category => Amazon Echo Discussion => Topic started by: DoiugSpiundler on January 06, 2019, 01:47:29 pm

Title: Can Alexa notify me if a gate was left open at a specific programmed time?
Post by: DoiugSpiundler on January 06, 2019, 01:47:29 pm
I’m just getting started so looking for solutions.  I just started using TP-Liink/Kasa to control lights and appliances.  Plan on integrating with Alexa.  I can’t get a clear answer is this is something Kasa or Kasa with Alexa can do.

I have several gates around my property.  At a programmed time, say 8:00 pm I want Kasa or Alexa to notify me that one of the gates was left open.  Not sure if Alexa can do this, but can Alexa be programmed to send me a text at 8:00 if a gate is open?  And if all gates are closed nothing.

Ideally I would like it hardwired so I don’t have to deal with replacing batteries.

Any suggestions?
Thank you
Title: Re: Can Alexa notify me if a gate was left open at a specific programmed time?
Post by: renegade600 on January 06, 2019, 02:46:43 pm
are you even able to get wifi to where the gates are located?  don't think kasa will do what you want but there are alexa compatible alarm systems that might work.
Title: Re: Can Alexa notify me if a gate was left open at a specific programmed time?
Post by: DoiugSpiundler on January 06, 2019, 03:17:41 pm
Yes I can get WiFi. 

TP Link appears to have a door/window sensor.  Can find much about it and it looks like it's very expensive.  It appears it only logs time when the door/window was opened or closed and current status.

Title: Re: Can Alexa notify me if a gate was left open at a specific programmed time?
Post by: Jerome on January 08, 2019, 09:56:19 am
Yes I can get WiFi. 

TP Link appears to have a door/window sensor.  Can find much about it and it looks like it's very expensive.  It appears it only logs time when the door/window was opened or closed and current status.
I see 2 options to investigate if you were to buy that TP-Link sensor:
1 - IFTTT supports TP-Link
Maybe you could have an IFTTT applet periodically called by an Alexa routine.

2 - Stringify supports TP-Link
You could add it to a Stringify flow that you could call periodically in an Alexa routine. The flow would check the sensor status and send some kind of notification to Alexa.
Stringify allows much more complex if/then/conditions workflows that IFTTT but is compatible with a smaller range of IoT.
Worth a shot.
Title: Re: Can Alexa notify me if a gate was left open at a specific programmed time?
Post by: fstbusa on January 09, 2019, 08:34:25 am
you could definitely do it with Smartthings.  I have ST setup to close my garage door if left open more than 2 min after 9pm and also send me a text notification.  I don't specifically use Alexa to announce the  notification but there are smartapps to do so.