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Amazon Echo Discussion / Alexa AI is having Hallucinations
« Last post by renegade600 on January 14, 2025, 04:22:31 pm »
Look like there will be an even longer delay.   It seems the Alexa AI is having hallucinations.   

Hallucinations have to be "close to zero," Rohit Prasad, leader of Amazon's artificial general intelligence (AGI) team told FT. Since people tend to use Alexa throughout the day, it could end up spitting out a lot of false information if Amazon fails to address the issue.

Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: any show 21 users?
« Last post by renegade600 on January 13, 2025, 05:59:09 pm »
Not yet... But I will once they are on sale for a decent number... Price is too high at intro. Of course this will all depend on if they actually keep producing them. Kinda like the little robot... ya never know what remains. Since they introduced the new Spot "Alarm clock" they aren't making a new Dot with clock... assuming to push the Spot.

the price is ridiculously high for what you get.   400 for the show, 500 if you want the stand to go with it.
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: any show 21 users?
« Last post by scottrods on January 13, 2025, 07:43:50 am »
Not yet... But I will once they are on sale for a decent number... Price is too high at intro. Of course this will all depend on if they actually keep producing them. Kinda like the little robot... ya never know what remains. Since they introduced the new Spot "Alarm clock" they aren't making a new Dot with clock... assuming to push the Spot.
Amazon Echo Discussion / any show 21 users?
« Last post by renegade600 on January 11, 2025, 11:23:14 pm »
Just wondering how the show 21 is doing?   I am thinking of getting one the next time they go on sale.   How is the resolution compared to the others?    My eyes aint what they used to be and I am having problems seeing the show 10 across the room when someone is at the door.   Also, did it require a passcode when it was delivered?
make sure hunches is disabled, check the skills to make sure there are none you did not enable, also check your routines to make sure nobody who might have access to your amazon account made changes.   
My bedroom Alexa says, every day with no prompts from me, something about a calendar and ?light to turn off is 15 minutes?, at 12:45 pm, and ?okay? at 1am nightly. How do I stop her from saying these things permanently?  I?m tired of it and hope someone here can email the steps to do it so I can print them out.
Since my question remains unanswered I have explored alternative ways to get some satisfaction with limitations
[1] Avoiding to give away private videos/photos to amazon photos (or other cloud based service) and not even able to
     display all on my echo show 5
     Stopping uploading to amazon cloud and using my local NAS as primary repository
[2] Display my stuff on network assessable devices using VLC
     TV via FIR Stick; Laptop; Desktop; and phone 

The next step will be to use a dedicated smart display with a smaller form factor and low power consumption that replaces the echo show for this purpose and renders it as display almost useless sitting next to my echo plus.

Please give me your alternative solutions I should consider to make this even controlled by Alexa.
since amazon loves to advertise itself, I believe it would show up on the video source list you are talking about if you could play videos from amazon photos. 
This is what I found from 2021

You may be right (amazon has a history of disabling features that could be rather commercialized)
Echo Technical Support / Re: Playing video clips uploaded to Amazon Photos on Echo Show 5
« Last post by jwlv on December 09, 2024, 08:37:12 pm »
Maybe I remembered this incorrectly, but I do seem recall Amazon disabling videos in Amazon Photos several years ago.
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