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Alexa Across the Pond (Europe) / Alexa shopping list jumps about
« Last post by Heidifuss on August 06, 2024, 10:30:32 am »
Help! When I'm trying to add items from shopping list in the Alexa app, the list scrolls automatically, so I  can't click on items to add. This us in the 'checked off' list and the pre loaded shopping list ( the one with pictures).

Its driving me nuts. I have tried reloading apps, emptying cache etc. Been happening for last 3 months or so.
Amazon Echo Discussion / echobuds durability
« Last post by renegade600 on August 04, 2024, 06:38:27 pm »
gotta admit, I am very surprised as to how durable the third generation echobuds are.   I left them in the pants pockets and they went through the washer and then the dryer.   The buds came out of the case at one point.    Once the buds cooled down from the dryer, I gave them a try and they worked perfectly.   No damage to the case or the buds.   I think I got lucky this time.   
Echo Technical Support / Re: Reconnecting to an Echo Dot in another state
« Last post by renegade600 on August 02, 2024, 02:14:36 pm »
if it was deregistered, then you will need to setup the echo device again.    Unless he has access to your account, it cannot be done long distance. 
Echo Technical Support / Reconnecting to an Echo Dot in another state
« Last post by gdthomas48 on August 02, 2024, 09:02:34 am »
My son goes to school in another state.  I had his Echo Dot on my Alexa app until this morning.  I was trying to remove some devices that I no longer own and didn't realize it would remove all the devices.  How can I connect back to my son's Echo?
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: How to setup Echo Dot 5 from Factory Reset
« Last post by scottrods on July 31, 2024, 07:31:01 pm »
I suggest also (if you have the means) to go to YOUTUBE and search for videos to set up Echo Dot 5th gen. Watching a few videos could be very helpful.

When setting up, even with voice recognition, make sure you and your husband are both nearby, patient, and following the cues of the setup. If you are both present and intend to recognize each voice individually, all you have to do is be quiet until it's your turn or his. Set up in the kitchen or bedroom or wherever, and once set up is complete, you can move the Device to the location it will be permanently. Just make sure you give yourself time to complete the setup, without interruption of any kind... turn off any cell phones to eliminate distractions, etc...
Amazon Echo Discussion / Help Editing routine or creating new routine
« Last post by joed9988 on July 31, 2024, 05:23:16 pm »
so my mother has dementia so teaching her new things is almost impossible she has learned to use alexa though to play music problem is if alexa volume is to low she will say "alexa louder" and that only increases the volume like 10 % or something. so first i downloaded alexa app on my pc and apparently you can't add routines on the pc app? what is the deal with that ? seems pretty stupid regardless if i use my phone to make a new routine  it wont let me use the word louder as the "when" part of the routine im assuming its because it is already a skill or a routine or something by default. any one have any idea how i can changer "alexa louder" to just make the volume 100%?
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: How to setup Echo Dot 5 from Factory Reset
« Last post by jwlv on July 31, 2024, 02:54:54 pm »
I would suggest not setting up voice ID. It is not required and makes more of a hassle.
Just skip that part during setup when it asks you to setup voice ID.
Amazon Echo Discussion / How to setup Echo Dot 5 from Factory Reset
« Last post by TLW on July 31, 2024, 09:53:29 am »

I've just joined the forum in desperation. Yesterday (30/7/24) I received my very first Alexa device, an Echo Dot 5th Gen and somehow or other managed to fowl up the setting up and I've been struggling ever since. In the end I finished up resetting to factory settings. But how the heck do I proceed from here in getting it set up.

Yesterday I got as far as setting up the voice id and choosing to add my husband at that time as requested. However, when the app told me to get him out to talk to Alexa, I'm afraid that just isn't possible since he is quite severely mobility impaired as well as registered as partially sighted. At this point everything went haywire and I could get no further hence my hope of starting   over again by resetting to factory settings.

So! where do I go from here. At present its just another thing cluttering up my desk for no good reason. I have no idea what to do now. For this reason I would very much appreciate help on what to do, how to proceed possibly in some detail as I'm getting not a single clue from the app. So please, HELP!!!

Echo Technical Support / Re: Shopping list
« Last post by renegade600 on July 19, 2024, 10:00:45 pm »
in the top right corner of the list, NOT the top of the screen, you should see five lines with an arrow pointing down.   click on it and you can change the sorting and groupling settings.   
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