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Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: what new product is amazon about to announce?
« Last post by renegade600 on February 06, 2025, 11:12:36 pm »
I have a wait and see attitude right now.   From what I read, the current features will stay free.   If this is truly the case, I will not be getting the ai devices nor the subscription packages.    However, if there is a show where the ai has a face that can express emotions, then maybe I will reconsider.   
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: what new product is amazon about to announce?
« Last post by jwlv on February 06, 2025, 04:09:48 pm »
I'm sure they are about to announce that even more free services are going to be removed from Alexa / Echo devices and start promoting their "new" Alexa that will have a subscription fee. We already saw this about a year or two ago with Ring doorbell cameras and Ring Alarm, as well as Blink cameras. Both are owned by Amazon.
Amazon Echo Discussion / what new product is amazon about to announce?
« Last post by renegade600 on February 05, 2025, 04:42:58 pm »
It was announced that Amazon will be holding a product announcement on Feb 26.  I am guessing  we will find out about their new ai devices and what their subscription packages are going to be,
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Alexa and PC
« Last post by tuicemen on January 24, 2025, 06:51:03 am »
I forgot about the Broadlink RM I use this for several non smart devices but the Ops computer would need to have IR or RF capabilities.
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Alexa and PC
« Last post by jwlv on January 23, 2025, 09:52:57 pm »
I used to do this with the Logitech Harmony Hub. It was expensive as hell and only worked sometimes. It's long discontinued now.

There are some other options though. Each one will require some tweaking and might not work exactly as you want.
1. Bond IR/RF device
2. Broadlink RM4
3. Switchbot

I'm sure there are other alternatives as well.
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Alexa and PC
« Last post by tuicemen on January 21, 2025, 06:49:49 am »
Actually the skill "TriggerCMD Smarthome" (there are other versions) can perform tasks on your PC. It requires you to download a program which runs in the background of your PC, Mac, Linux, or raspberry pi. If you plan to use it for multi computers or wish to perform more then one call in less then a min a subscription is required. You can find the download and video here: Russ also has a forum setup for help and tips and is very quick to reply. If you wish to check out the forum first the link is
I use this from a Raspberry Pi without a subscription about once or twice a week so a subscription isn't needed for my needs. ;)  In order to interface with some programs on your PC you may have to add additional software however I haven't seen much that isn't possible for long as Russ attempts to add more possibilities regularly.
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Alexa and PC
« Last post by renegade600 on January 21, 2025, 04:16:47 am »
Unfortunately, there is not a way to do this, at least not without a streaming box like Roku that will work with alexa.   As far as skipping ads on youtube with alexa, forget it.   You might be better off getting a cheap wireless keyboard with a touchpad and keep it bedside.    Just to note, though you can find work-arounds, the alexa app for the pc was discontinued.   
Amazon Echo Discussion / Alexa and PC
« Last post by biuro74 on January 20, 2025, 07:13:18 am »

I've got Echo Dot device in my lounge and it seems to be quite simple, but sometimes useful stuff.
Following this track :) I've decided to use Alexa on my PC and just to make watching movies easier, tried to teach Alexa to press some keys virtually - you see, when you are on bed and have no wireless mouse or keyboard, you can't press the space bar or pause button on keyboard/display without getting up and going back - this is something I'd like to avoid having Alexa.

1. So in short - how to order Alexa to virtually press some key on a keyboard ?
I'm watching Netflix through browser, so space bar is something that I'd like to get pressed to play/pause the movie.

2. And sometimes if I watch YouTube videos, I'd like to teach Alexa to skip some adverts when they appear, how can I do that ?

From what I know, I need to install/use some skills (keyboard events and handlers ?), but I cannot find proper way to install/use anything on a PC soft, unlike on Alexa app for mobiles, where everything is so easy.

Please help, any clues welcome :)
Amazon Echo Discussion / Alexa AI is having Hallucinations
« Last post by renegade600 on January 14, 2025, 04:22:31 pm »
Look like there will be an even longer delay.   It seems the Alexa AI is having hallucinations.   

Hallucinations have to be "close to zero," Rohit Prasad, leader of Amazon's artificial general intelligence (AGI) team told FT. Since people tend to use Alexa throughout the day, it could end up spitting out a lot of false information if Amazon fails to address the issue.

Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: any show 21 users?
« Last post by renegade600 on January 13, 2025, 05:59:09 pm »
Not yet... But I will once they are on sale for a decent number... Price is too high at intro. Of course this will all depend on if they actually keep producing them. Kinda like the little robot... ya never know what remains. Since they introduced the new Spot "Alarm clock" they aren't making a new Dot with clock... assuming to push the Spot.

the price is ridiculously high for what you get.   400 for the show, 500 if you want the stand to go with it.
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