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Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Power Failure
« Last post by DrObbins on August 19, 2024, 04:06:56 am »
are you saying your plugs and switches are turning on too????    sorry, but as far as I know, that cannot happen.   Power outages would turn off plugs and switches.   
Well, I guess I'm just lucky. These are the switches:
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Power Failure
« Last post by Joachim47 on August 17, 2024, 01:40:29 pm »
My house uses primarily HUE bulbs and they always show the previous state after power outage or even when switching off power on wall switch intermittently. Flickering power may constitute a different condition that could interrupt a clean system reset on the echo side. Plugs always end up in the previous state. The only issue I found at times with a fan running at full speed after power outage and I use a routine to turn the fan off when I am away.
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Power Failure
« Last post by renegade600 on August 17, 2024, 12:55:00 pm »
are you saying your plugs and switches are turning on too????    sorry, but as far as I know, that cannot happen.   Power outages would turn off plugs and switches.     
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Power Failure
« Last post by DrObbins on August 17, 2024, 06:05:29 am »
There is 1 smart bulb, 3 plugs, & 6 switches, and none have a restore power option. Guess I'm SOL. I'll look into the routine option.
With the stormy weather we have bee having, there has been power blips. Just enough to turn on lights. Grrrr...
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Power Failure
« Last post by renegade600 on August 17, 2024, 02:34:24 am »
After a power failure, even a second, Alexa turns on lights, etc. How can this be stopped? lights don't need to be on while away or asleep. Two of the three units are on a battery backup.

it is hard for alexa to tell the difference between a power failure and flipping the switch.   You did not mention the brand of the bulbs but if they have their own app, you can see if there is something about restoring to power state or something similar.   If not, you are out of luck.    I cannot say the number of times I come home and the house is lit up like a christmas tree after a power outage.     You may be able to set up a routine that if a certain bulb is on, to turn off all the others.   The only other option is to switch from smart bulbs to smart wall switches and smart plugs.   
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Power Failure
« Last post by Joachim47 on August 16, 2024, 05:34:27 pm »
Amazon Echo Discussion / Power Failure
« Last post by DrObbins on August 16, 2024, 11:14:32 am »
After a power failure, even a second, Alexa turns on lights, etc. How can this be stopped? lights don't need to be on while away or asleep. Two of the three units are on a battery backup.
Amazon Echo Discussion / Routine - August Lock
« Last post by knutesteel on August 15, 2024, 09:10:10 pm »
I have a routine setup to play a song when the August lock is unlocked.  Works perfectly....except.... every few seconds the song starts playing again.  I'm assuming Alexa polls the lock and finds it is in unlocked state and starts the routine again.

Any thoughts on how I can set this up so that the routing is triggered on the unlock action as opposed to unlock state?
Amazon Echo Discussion / Re: Two Echo Dot 5s Each Set Up With Different Account?
« Last post by KyleMW on August 12, 2024, 09:59:17 am »
You have to start at the far end and work your way forward.

1. You need two, separate, Amazon accounts (different email addresses)

2. If the Dots were purchased at the same time, from one account, they were probably preloaded with the details of that account, so you would have to de-register that Dot from the first Amazon account then perform a 'factory reset' on the Dot you're going to move to the alternate account.

3. Make sure the Dots are not on the same network at the same time during set up (ie: unplug the first Dot) and then set up the second Dot (the one that has been reset) with the second account.  This means the Alexa app on your phone/tablet has to already be logged into the second account.  Once things are set up in each Dot you should be able to run them on the same network.

Hopefully, this helps

Amazon Echo Discussion / Two Echo Dot 5s Each Set Up With Different Account?
« Last post by TLW on August 10, 2024, 12:50:13 pm »

My husband and I have two Echo Dot 5s and we want them to be set up with one on my account and one on my husbands account but so far I am having a singular lack of success. Is there any way to do this or have we just wasted our money getting a second device? At present I'm beginning to I'd wish never heard of Alexa since getting them set up as we want is currently seeming like a desire too far and will NEVER be achieved. IF there is a way to set up our Echo Dots as we want could someone please let us know how the hell we can do it. Many thanks.

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