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Creating new Flash Briefing Skill

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Creating new Flash Briefing Skill
« on: October 25, 2016, 12:50:58 pm »
Hi there

I wanted to created a flash briefing skill for myself. I looked at the amazon dev site and it seems rather easy with their Skills Kit.

Anyway, I selected to create a Flash Briefing skill. Just a bit of info and some url to a rss feed was required. I formatted the feed according to the amazon requirements. However when I tested it, I got the default error message that I setup when something's not working right.

So, then I just copy'n'pasted their multi-entry example feed. I adjusted the dates to be more current.

Saved and retried again. Again error - skill not working.

Ok, I thought there might be an issue because I force SSL and have HSTS setup with Letsencrypt Certs. So I disabled the forced SSL connection and retried.

Still same result.

Then, since JSON is preferred I tried their json example. Still not working.

URL for the feed is:

And here are the settings for the Flash Brief:

So, why does Echo keep saying "20Minuten is not available at the moment"?


Re: Creating new Flash Briefing Skill
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2016, 07:50:16 am »