My 88yo MIL is having issues with confusing time of day. She's on track for neurological evaluation, so I'm not asking about that.
A typical example of the problem is for a 1pm appointment the following day she'll get herself up at midnight the day before, get ready and walk down to the building lobby, and then sit there waiting. Or worse, calling the front desk complaining (in a rant-like manner). It's an assisted-living facility, so there's no big risks involved here. She's not otherwise an elopement risk, it's just annoying having her constantly get the time of day skewed.
We've gotten her a range of other devices to try and mitigate the confusion (like LCD clocks that say NIGHT). To little avail. The fact that it's PITCH BLACK OUTSIDE, likewise escapes her. It's no fun getting old, and even less fun trying to manage it while we live several states away.
She's got three different Alexa devices. It'd be fantastic if I could set up a routine that catches use of them during an "off hours" window of time and possibly triggers something else. As in, "Alexa, what time is it" and following up the time announcement with "It's the middle of the night, please go back to sleep".
Almost like a burglar alarm, but without the sirens or remote notification. WE don't also need to be awoken in the middle of the night. Heh, I suppose it'd almost like being a polite burglar alarm.. "I see you're skulking around in the middle of the night, could you please leave?"
There's nothing else on-site at the moment to assist with this but I'd certainly be willing to add a PC or whatever if a hub of sorts was needed for the added logic. I have full access to the account. I could set something up here if using just the cloud could work.
Any thoughts on what it'd take to lash up something to make this work?