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Echo & Alexa Forums

Echo Alarm System

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Echo Alarm System
« on: May 16, 2016, 09:37:43 pm »
Can any of you developers work on making Echo send a email when it hears sound in your house and open the speaker. I am not sure how you could make it wake up, but in alarm mode by command maybe any sound could wake it up. Maybe work like a IP camera without the camera. It would be possible to have it work as a baby monitor then sending to your cell phone. Even if it could not open the microphone, a email alert would get your attention. Just a thought.


Re: Echo Alarm System
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2016, 11:34:07 pm »
Not gonna' happen.  While technically possible it would require a ridiculously Rube Goldberg combination of things to make it work, and even then it would most likely be quite unreliable.

You can accomplish what you want much more easily with a home automation hub (SmartThings, et al), a sensor or two and a little time setting up an automation rule.