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Activate Routine Using Phone Alarm Clock

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Activate Routine Using Phone Alarm Clock
« on: January 16, 2021, 12:21:02 am »
My wife has an iPhone and I have a Galaxy. I was wondering if I would be able to natively start a routine when either of our phone alarm clocks go off, using either an Echo or a Google Nest.

If I can make it simpler and just connect it with my wife’s IPhone Alarm Clock, that could be just fine too.

What I would like is when her alarm goes off on her phone, either Alexa or Google sends a signal to my Harmony hub to activate “Watch Cable” which turns the t.v. and cable box on and turns on Hue lights to a dim setting.
And when she walks by the motion sensor in the hallway, have SmartThings trigger Google or Alexa give her a weather and traffic report.
I have a google home, but can purchase an Echo dot if it makes it easier to integrate with her Apple phone. I would be willing to use ifttt to make this happen, but not willing to do any advanced coding and creating applets.

I'm working with a SmartThings Hub, Google Home and Harmony Hub. I can also pick up another hub or an Echo if needed.

So is there a way to do this and tie in an alarm clock on preferably both of our phones, but mainly her Iphone?

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Re: Activate Routine Using Phone Alarm Clock
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2021, 05:56:10 pm »
alarm clocks cannot trigger google home nor alexa.  There must be a wake word for it to pay attention.  maybe if you create an alarm ring tone using the wake word.  Don't know if it would work but it is something to try.   

You can get smart plugs and set a schedule to match the alarm settings.  You should be able to use ifttt for the motion sensor to trigger the other features you want.   The only thing is, it will turn trigger every time someone walks by. 

 I use a routine called morning to turn on the tv and give the weather when I first get up.  Maybe that would work better than what you are wanting.  But I use alexa, not sure what google offers in routines.

David N

Re: Activate Routine Using Phone Alarm Clock
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2021, 06:37:06 pm »
You stated that you were willing to purchase an echo so just use the echo for alarms. Turning off echo alarms can trigger routines.


Re: Activate Routine Using Phone Alarm Clock
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2021, 03:36:53 pm »
You stated that you were willing to purchase an echo so just use the echo for alarms. Turning off echo alarms can trigger routines.

This seems to be the most promising route. My wife only uses her phone as her alarm clock so is there a way to have echo set the alarm, but on her phone instead of having the alarm go off on the actual echo device?