I bought my Mom an Echo Studio for one of her Christmas gifts. I had it shipped directly to her. She connected it to her PC using a 3.5mm audio cable. Basically, she wants to use it as her PC speakers and also (separately) be able to use Alexa. All that works fine, it seems, except a completely different device in the room now does not work when the Echo is turned on. I know what you're thinking...I thought the same thing. How/why would a device the Echo Studio is not even connected to have any impact from it? I don't know. My mother is not highly technical, but she was very clear about when it did not work and what she did to make it work again. So, as weird as it seems, somehow, when the Echo Studio is on, the cable box does not work properly. How this manifests in practice is like this: she'll be watching TV, with the Echo on, and working. She says she loves the sound it gives. But, when she needs to change the channel, it won't work. She says she has to unplug the Echo, and power cycle the cable box at least once to get it back working. She said that she noticed one of the lights on the cable box that's normally on is not lit. This makes me believe the cable box is actually powered off at this point, but will not power back on. Some of you are probably thinking this is some kind of coincidence or something. She just got the Echo, and this didn't happen before...it is happening now. And it is fixed when it is disconnected. I couldn't find out quite as much as I would have liked. For example, I wanted to know if it would work with the Echo powered on, but just not connected to the PC, but she was too frustrated (or maybe tired) to test...it was late when I got all the info. Anyway, I figure it's a long shot, but any ideas on this?
If the Echo were at least connected to the TV, I might be able to make some sense out of it, but it just does not make sense to me with the Echo being connected to a PC, totally separate from the TV. The only thing those two pieces of equipment share is the cable connection (to the TV for video and to the PC for Internet).
Thanks much in advance.