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Echo & Alexa Forums

Echo Reminders Are Late On The Phone App

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Echo Reminders Are Late On The Phone App
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:29:18 am »
When I ask Echo to give me a reminder at a certain time, she does it on time.  But then, the Alexa app on my phone gives me that reminder about 10 minutes late.  The set times are the same on Echo and the phone.

Any remedy for this?


Re: Echo Reminders Are Late On The Phone App
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 11:38:39 am »
Maybe that's your phone trying to save battery. Try giving  alexa permisson  to be always-on in the battery saving settings on your phone.

I have one tablet though that is always late (especially annoying when it's a ring doorbell notifcation), and no option for the above. I just use another tablet now...  :(