I don't see any way to non-verbally issues a drop in call in a routine. The closest thing I can suggest would be to have the Echo Button send a message to the device you want to talk to, i.e., "Grandkids would like to talk to grandpa", & then you could vebally issue the droop in command. Basically it would be like a doorbell then.
I think it is a big hole in the capability of routines that we cannot send a non-verbal "Alexa, do this" from inside a routine. It would open up endless possibilities.
Thank you! That’s a good idea!
It seems like this workaround will only work for devices on the same network. I’d like to find a way for an Echo Button to initiate a drop in conversation with a family member 50 miles away, on their Echo.
For now, i have the button set up as an announcement. When the toddlers hit it, Alexa gives instructions on how to drop in on their grandparents with a verbal command. They can’t say “Alexa, drop in on grandpa’s living room” yet, but for now an adult can help them out.
I was just going for the “cute factor”, hoping that they could learn to call their grandparents on their own.
Thanks a lot!