I am new to Echo and the forum. I am setting up some automation and, to keep it user-friendly, I am creating routines to do some of the tasks. For example, I set up relays to open and close the driveway gate and garage door. Alexa sees the relays as plugs so I have to say 'Alexa, turn on the gate' to open or close the gate. I'd rather use more natural commands like "Alexa, open the gate' and 'Alexa, close the gate'. Ditto for the garage door. Since the relays are momentary switches, both the open and close commands are the same.
The reason for my question -- I already have about 30 routines defined. If there is a limit on the number allowed, I'd change the open and close commands to use the same command. I don't want to develop a habit using the two different commands if I'm going to have to change it later.
Thanks for reading.