Woke up this morning and the blue ring was spinning on my original Echo I bought when it first came out. I figured it was doing an update, but 30 minutes later it was still spinning. It showed as offline in the Alexa app, wasn’t connected to my router and was already showing as having the latest firmware, so I took a chance and unplugged it for about 30 seconds and plugged it back in. The ring spun for a few seconds and went out. At that point nothing else happened on the Echo. I thought it was dead, but it connected to my router in about 10 seconds and it showed up in the Alexa app as being online, so I asked it something and it responded.
I’m guessing it failed to reboot during a software update and unplugging and plugging it back in got it going. What was jarring was the lack of a boot up sound.
I’ve never had that happen before. Has anyone else ever seen this?