Yep, it works and I was able to pair an Anker Soundcore Mini and a Nokia MD-12 (not at the same time) to my Google Home Mini.
Now I'm wondering if I can pair my GHM to my Echo in order to get a better sound out of the Echo through Bluetooth.
I haven't been able to do so and I don't know if it's possible.
Anyone else out there tried that ?
Replying to myself : I rebooted my Echo and the pairing process worked that time.
(It worked the first time with my 2 Echo Dots)
Once I had my 3 Echos paired, I could connect to either Dots but was not able to connect to the Echo

I then deleted the 2 Dots from the Paired devices section on the Google Home app and the connection went through with the Echo.
Only little annoying thing is the volume between the Google Home Mini and the Echo : when the GHM has volume 2, you can hardly hear the music out of the Echo.
You need to crank up the GHM's volume to have a decent sound on the Echo.
But then be careful when you speak to the GHM that will shout back at you