With. very small amount of trial and error, I usually find a way to get things going after an update changes something... In my case, almost all of the issues I have encountered are not issues from accessories I add, and what I have chosen to name things.
The toughest one I had to figure out, was keeping names from being used in two places, where I named a room and a light bulb the same name. Once I figured out *I* was the problem, I shared the cure with the forums so others wouldn't have to kill themselves for 2 weeks trying to work the bugs out. It took me. while, as I had added some Philips Hue Bulbs and at the same exact time, HUE did an update to their system and I had to figure out how it all worked, knowing I had changed something at the same time.
I figure the whole concept is to let the consumer help the manufacturer refine their products by experiencing these things and giving them work-arounds without having to invest in the testing portion beyond a point they predetermined.
If you could build a product and let the consumers do your testing without being liable for the problems your product produced... would you spend money doing it? A lot of people would say yes, but in reality, if you didn't take advantage of the construct available, then you wouldn't be able to complete in a very competitive market and one that is coming unto speed VERY quickly due to the fact the consumers are willing to do your foot work for you just so they can have the products before they're actually ready for prime time...
I don't think anyone is doing wrong necessarily. I just think we all buy into the system and if you want to participate, you have to let go of the "perfect" and "tested" concept you have been used to all your life. Open your thoughts to being a part of the process and Participate, or just set aside the whole things and bow out and wait for it all to be perfected... which, in my estimation is many many moons away. On the order of Decades.
Hopefully, by the time I am old and feeble, these AI products will be more refined and will actually work as the dreamers who first put pen to paper on this whole "voice controlled world" intended or conceived. Until then, I am quite satisfied to be a part of the refinement process. I enjoy working out puzzles and solving mysteries. Not everyone does. Not everyone has time or will take the time. I will.