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More routines options

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More routines options
« on: February 10, 2018, 02:29:30 am »
If the developers read this post i wanna give a big thumbs up for the routines support. It saves a lot of time to just say one phrase instead of 5.

But thats it.... routines is just a crude bare minimum.
The routines option could change a lot more looking at home automation.

A few things NEED to be added.

*customizable speech feedback.
The stock phrases are kinda useless in most cases. (Example:i say "alexa, movie time." Then she could answer "happy birthday"
Its nice but pretty useless, "enjoy!" Would be better)

*type a command you would usually speak to active a skill. This way be able to start skills,music, color temperatures and so on.

*set the order to execute the tasks.
Important things first. Less important things later. Multiple tasks can delay a lot.

*delay option in between tasks.
(Example if i say ("alexa i am leaving" i want to turn the whole house off exept the hallway light so i can easy acces the door, 60 sec later i want to turn off the hallway light as well)

*color temperatures are not usable in routines. Only on/off and dimm

*on/off duration, some tasks need to be active for a short time. Then automaticly turn off.

*more "if" options. Not only a recognised phrase or time but also events like a pir sensor. (Example: somebody walks my driveway. I can use alexa to turn on the light and at the same time program a custom text to warn me somebody is outside)


Re: More routines options
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2018, 06:10:18 am »
Agree that routines need a custom text option. And USABLE, PRACTICAL smart home/device options. The  smart home/device options so far are eh. I've to search to all phrases category to find something cool to use on my routine. I think I find the good ones, although, I didn't really have to put any phrase on my routines but well where's the fun in that?

Offline jwlv

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Re: More routines options
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2018, 01:31:10 pm »
I completely agree. At the bare minimum, a routine should allow you to set a custom reply rather than select from the dozen or so canned messages.

Offline kenf

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Re: More routines options
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2018, 03:50:26 pm »
You are spot on with making routines to issue typed commands as if they were spoken.  Heck, it's what I was gonna say.

The ADT Pulse system supplies my z-wave hub, but isn't a proper Smart Home skill, so I have to say Ask ADT this and Ask ADT That.  It also means none of the switches are accessible to Alexa directly so the Routines are worthless to me.

The sky would be the limit if a Routine would accept any of set of commands we entered, then all other skills would be automatable under Alexa Routines.


Re: More routines options
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2018, 09:43:06 pm »
You are spot on with making routines to issue typed commands as if they were spoken.  Heck, it's what I was gonna say.

The ADT Pulse system supplies my z-wave hub, but isn't a proper Smart Home skill, so I have to say Ask ADT this and Ask ADT That.  It also means none of the switches are accessible to Alexa directly so the Routines are worthless to me.

The sky would be the limit if a Routine would accept any of set of commands we entered, then all other skills would be automatable under Alexa Routines.

Agree completely!


Re: More routines options
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2018, 03:17:27 pm »
I would like the above suggestions for sure, but ALSO want to add some specific SKILLS to my routine.

At bedtime, I say\a "Alexa, time for bed." and she will turn this device on, this device off and play my desired Ambient Sound.

I am most concerned about the playing of the sound because i can never remember the specific super exact command that runs the ambient sound I like and inevitably I end up listening to something that sounds like eggs in a frying pan. Then I get frustrated and that is NOT what I am trying to do as I put my head down to go to sleep!