FIXED!! After requesting a replacement (which Amazon did), I found out what the issue was to begin with. I feel so foolish! The other morning I had to wake up earlier than usual and after a little bit realized I was within five minutes of when my usual would go off, so I waited. Now to the prequel: When I purchased the iHome clock/speaker system for the Dot I took my old clock radio offline and put on top of my dresser in case the new system didn't work. I failed to realize that the backup battery in my old radio would activate my alarm regardless of being plugged in, but would only go off for five seconds. So, after waiting five minutes that old alarm went off as it had been, having nothing to do with the Echo. But being where it was, the beeping sounded like it was coming from the Dot, and after five seconds of yelling at Alexa to stop, she finally would. Oh my goodness, color me red! Thank you who patiently suggested fixes. Deeply appreciated.