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Echo & Alexa Forums

Echo won't recognize pandora account

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Echo won't recognize pandora account
« on: December 25, 2015, 10:04:48 am »
Hello --

So we got an Echo for Christmas, and it's been a lot of fun getting it set up and learning some of the things it can do, but I cannot get the Alexa app to recognize my pandora account.  At first, it said that my password was incorrect, and now it says that my email address doesn't exist on pandora.

I've had pandora for years.  I can log in to pandora directly, and everything works fine, so the problem seems to be in the Alexa app.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



Re: Echo won't recognize pandora account
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 08:10:55 pm »
I had the same issue. I uninstalled  the Alexa app that I downloaded from Amazon. I then reinstalled the App from Google play and everything began to work together.