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Google Home With a Screen?

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Google Home With a Screen?
« on: October 21, 2017, 02:57:47 am »
Really? I just don't get it.  We have connected TVs, computers, tablets, phablets, and phones with screens. 
And if some of these devices don't have built-in AIs already they soon will.  How could there possibly be a market for another screened device?  But, you'll be able to watch YouTube on this one!  Of course you can already do that on your TV, computer, tablet, phablets and phones.

Re: Google Home With a Screen?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2017, 03:56:09 pm »
maybe like with the show, it will display security cams a lot quicker.  with other devices, you have to turn them on then navigate to the camera view.  with the show, you just have to tell it to open a camera.  that would be a benefit for google nest devices.  I could see other uses for it too. 

I just hope the different ai companies, flood the market and confuse their customers with all the different devices.