I found a slot of time later today to work on this issue. Thank goodness for Wi-Fi Analyzer and my old Kindle Fire HD tablet; it is my only Android device and can run WFA.
I discovered that my range extenders do not track and match my router channel if I change it, so since CH 1 was weak and less desirable, I selected CH 11 which has less connections around me and they are all weak. So, after setting router to CH 11, I had to reset my 2.4G range extender to CH 11. M signals are as good as on CH 6 and away from my neighbor's router on CH 6 now. Time will tell if this issue caused my TP-Link plugs to disconnect from wi-fi. I unplugged them and back in so they would connect on the CH 11 as well.
I even doubled checked that my three 5G extenders were all on the router's channel, and they are. At the moment the home network is all right and uptight and working well again.
Wi-Fi Analyzer is essential to tune up a home network like I did. In fact, if I didn't have the Fire tablet I would need to buy a used Android phone or tablet just so I could install Wi-Fi Analyzer on it, because iOS devices still do not have a comparable app like Wi-Fi Analyzer! Thanks so much Apple for your stuck up attitude of not allowing this app on your devices.