I'm using IF This Then That to email my shopping list to myself. (The Alexa app is slow enough anyway. When my supermarket's wifi is down, it's hopeless. I can easily read an email though.)
There was a warning about the time that IFTTT recipe required. But when I first started, the email would get to me about the same time I got to the shops. Now the email is getting to me ten minutes after I get back from the shops.
I was wondering where the delay was - Alexa, IFTTT or Gmail. As I'm write this, however, I realize that the late emailed shopping list has just the items that were left after I'd shopped. (The wifi and the Alexa app were working and I was ticking off the items.)
So I guess the delay is at Amazon's end rather than anywhere else.
Thought I might as well post the post now I've written it.